Who we are
Partner for SAP and Cloud Services
Established in the year 2016, Our goal is to help existing SAP Customers and Prospective Enterprises improve through adoption of digital technology, and in particular SAP S/4 HANA, Automation using Public Cloud.
Delivery-Focused – We have and vigorously protect a 100% engagement success rate. We all deliver to customers and we all have a hands-on SAP background. What we do is rapidly developing, we learn every day, we harvest and share knowledge and this is the only way we can stay current as individuals, as a team and as a company.
Accountability & Ownership – We never say “That’s not my job”. When we make an error, we take ownership. We do what we say and use all means to ensure that.

SAP & Cloud Certified Architects
Cloud Migration
SAP HANA Migratons
Instances Managed
What we do
SAP & Cloud Consulting Services
We work with prospective & existing SAP Customers as Trusted Advisors in their SAP & Cloud Journey and help them to build Roadmap, Sizing, Solution Design, Implement & Manage the entire SAP Landscape Application and Infrastructure.
We help SAP customers to migrate their existing SAP workloads / deploy new SAP Implementations on Public Cloud.
Customer Challenges
- Customer SAP Landscape Hardware refresh is due
- Customer has not planned to Migrate their SAP Systems on HANA
- Customer wants to Migrate on SAP Business Suite on HANA or S/4 HANA Lack of skill sets / resources to maintain current SAP Landscape (HW, OS, Network, Security, SAP Applications)
- Lack of Innovation due to – long cycle to procure Infrastructure, Licenses, Implementation, Roll outs, Testing etc..
- Customer doesn’t want to invest again on traditional hardware as they may Migrate to HANA in near future
- Customer is locked by current Infrastructure Partner
- Performance issues in current SAP Landscape
- Multiple Vendor managing the – HW, OS, Network, Security, SAP
- Applications which increases dependencies, business downtime and lack of ownership
- Multiple Licenses agreement to maintain – SAP, OS, AMC’s etc..
We Make Cloud Migration Easy
Cloud Adoption Journey with Sapphire!
SAPPHIREINFOTECH simplifies and brings in automation tools for Database, Infrastructure, Operating System Migrations, accelerators, and industry best practices supported by SAP and Public Cloud Partners.
SAPPHIREINFOTECH simplifies and brings in automation tools for Database, Infrastructure, Operating System Migrations, accelerators, and industry best practices supported by SAP and Public Cloud Partners.