Customer Challenges

Traditionally, the hardware, operating system, and database platform for a SAP implementation is selected based on initial capacity sizing, cost, and skill sets required to support the environment.

During the SAP lifecycle, changes in transaction volume, number of uses, changes in SAP functionality, annual database growth, deployment of SaaS solutions, mergers and divestitures, etc., lead to changes in the requirements of hardware, OS and/or database platform as the business considers changes to its environment, upgrades, or faster databases such as HANA, etc.

Technology changes in hardware, OS, and / or database platform leads to a choice of better performance and reduction in cost.
The challenge current customer faces is determining how a company can migrate their SAP environment to a new platform, while at the same time, ensuring its functionality and processes continue to operate without significant interruption.


Sapphire Cloud Solution

The SAP Cloud Migration Factory from Sapphire helps customers to speed up Migrations from third-party databases (ORACLE, DB2, SQL etc..) & any Operating Systems (HP -Unix, AIX, Windows, OS400 etc..) for all applications to SAP HANA & Sybase (ASE) databases on SUSE Linux on AWS Cloud.
Sapphire simplifies and brings in automation tools for Database, Infrastructure, Operating System Migrations, accelerators, and industry best practices supported by SAP.

Customer Challenges :

  • Customer SAP Landscape Hardware refresh is due
  • Customer has not planned to migrate their SAP Systems on HANA
  • Customer doesn’t want to invest again on traditional hardware as they may migrate to HANA in near future

Sapphire Cloud Solution :

  • Scope, size, and estimate databases, applications and infrastructure
  • Speed database migrations with automation tools Proof of concept and prototyping to demonstrate capabilities and project feasibility
  • Database and infrastructure testing and tuning for performance optimization
  • ROI and TCO analysis to build a business case for migration

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